Showing 65–80 of 289 results
DC/DC Step-Down Voltage Regulator Power Supply Adapter Converter AMS1117 5V -input: DC 6V-12V output: 5V,800mA
Price: ₹190.00 -
DC/DC Step-Down Voltage Regulator Power Supply Adapter Convertor AMS1117 -input: DC 4.5V-7V output: 3.3V,800mA
Price: ₹190.00 -
DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module For Arduino and Raspberry Pi DHT-11
Price: ₹250.00 -
DHT21 AM2301 Digital-output relative humidity & temperature sensor/module,connect with single-bus-line Sensor
Price: ₹500.00 -
DHT22 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor; Temperature and Humidity Module AM2302
Price: ₹490.00 -
Digital USB Mobile Power charging current voltage Tester Meter Mini USB charger doctor voltmeter ammeter
Price: ₹299.00 -
DOIT ESP32 Development Board WiFi+Bluetooth Ultra-Low Power Consumption Dual Core ESP-32 ESP-32S ESP 32 Similar ESP8266
Price: ₹1,450.00 -
DRV8833 2 Channel DC Motor Driver Module Board 1.5A 3V-10V H-Bridge
Price: ₹299.00 -
DS1302 Real Time Clock module with Battery CR2032 for arduino
Price: ₹289.00 -
DS18B20 Temperature Measurement Sensor Module
Price: ₹249.00 -
DS3231 AT24C32 IIC Precision RTC Real Time Clock Memory Module
Price: ₹280.00 -
DSM501A Dust Sensor Module PM2.5 Detection Dector For Arduino For Air condition
Price: ₹1,100.00 -
DT-06 Wireless WiFi Serial Port Transparent Transmission Module TTL to WiFi Compatible with Bluetooth HC-06 interface ESP-M2
Price: ₹629.00 -
Dual Axis XY Joystick / Biaxial button joystick / PS2 game / joystick sensor / JoyStick module Ardunio
Price: ₹200.00 -
Dual Motor Driver 1A TB6612FNG for Arduino Microcontroller Better than L298N
Price: ₹267.00 -
Dual USB 18650 Battery Charger PCB Power Module 5V 1A 2.1A Mobile Power Bank Accessories For Phone DIY LED LCD Module Board
Price: ₹396.00