MPU9150 9 Axis Accelerometer 9DOF Gyroscope Magnetic Field Sensor Module


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9 Axis Accelerometer 9DOF Gyroscope Magnetic Field Sensor ModuleMPU-9150 9 Axis Accelerometer Gyroscope Magnetic Field Sensor Moudle

The MPU-9150 is a System in Package (SiP) that combines two chips: the MPU-6050, which contains a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and an onboard Digital Motion Processor (DMP) capable of processing complex 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms; and the AK8975, a 3-axis digital compass. The part’s integrated 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms access all internal sensors to gather a full set of sensor data. The part is offered in a 4x4x1mm LGA package and is upgrade-compatible with the MPU-6050 integrated 6-axis MotionTracking device, providing a simple upgrade path and making it easy to fit on space constrained boards.

  • Digital-output 9-axis MotionFusion data in rotation matrix, quaternion, Euler Angle, or raw data format.
  • Tri-Axis angular rate sensor (gyro) with a sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps and a full-scale range of +/-250, +/-500, +/-1000, and +/-2000dps.
  • Tri-Axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of +/-2g, +/-4g, +/-8g and +/-16g.
  • Tri-axis compass with a full scale range of +/-1200μT.
  • Reduced settling effects and sensor drift by elimination of board-level cross-axis alignment errors between accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass.
  • VDD Supply voltage range of 2.4V-3.46V; VLOGIC of 1.8V+/-5% or VDD.
  • Gyro operating current: 3.6mA (full power, gyro at all rates). Gyro + Accel operating current: 3.8mA (full power, gyro at all rates, accel at 1kHz sample rate).
  • Gyro + Accel + Compass + DMP operating current: 4.25mA (full power, gyro at all rates, accel at 1kHz sample rate, compass at 8Hz rate).
  • Accel low power mode operating current: 10uA at 1Hz, 20uA at 5Hz, 70uA at 20Hz, 140uA at 40Hz.
  • Full Chip Idle Mode Supply Current: 8μA.
  • 400kHz Fast Mode I2C serial host interface.
  • On-chip timing generator with +/-1% frequency variation over full temperature range.
  • 10,000g shock tolerant.
  • I2C Pullup Resistors populated on board.
  • All Pins Broken Out to Standard 0.1 inches Spaced Headers.
  • Solder Jumper for Switching LSB of I2C Address.


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