HG7881 H-bridge Stepper Motor Dual DC Motor Driver Controller Board For Arduino


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HG7881 H-bridge Stepper Motor Dual DC Motor Driver Controller Board For Arduino

This dual motor driver comes in a compact form factor and it is ideal for use in small robots.


  • Operating voltage: between 2.5 V and 12 V
  • Maximum output current: 800 mA (continuous) / channel
  • Number of channels: 2
  • Board size: 30 mm x 23 mm

Note: HG7881 is the Chinese version of the L9110 motor driver.


The truth table for a single HG7881 (L9110) chip is as follows:

HG7881 (L9110) Truth Table
Input Output
IA IB O1 O2 Description
L L L L Off
H L H L Forward
L H L H Reverse
H H H H Off

The actual direction of “forward” and “reverse” depends on how the motors are mounted and wired. You can always change the direction of a motor by reversing its wiring.

The HG7881 (L9110) Dual Channel Motor Driver Module uses two of these motor driver chips. Each driver chip is intended to drive one motor, so having two means that this module can control two motors independently. Each motor channel uses the same truth table as above. Each set of screw terminals is used to connect a motor. Refer to the table below for pin header connections.


Pin Description
B-IA Motor B Input A (IA)
B-IB Motor B Input B (IB)
GND Ground
VCC Operating Voltage 2.5-12V
A-IA Motor A Input A (IA)
A-IB Motor A Input B (IB)

Use input 1A to control the speed of each motor and input 1B to control the direction.


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