For arduino Due 2012 R3 ARM Version Main Control Board SAM3X8E 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 / Mega2560 R3 Duemilanove
Note: This is not the same as other Arduino boards, the Arduino Due board runs at 3.3V. The maximum voltage that the I/O pins can tolerate is 3.3V. Providing higher voltages, like 5V to an I/O pin could damage the board.
ARM core strengths
The use of 32 bit ARM core Due compared to the previous use of the other Iduino core 8 AVR more powerful.
The main differences are:
* 32 bits at a clock can process 32 bits of data.
* CPU clock frequency of 84Mhz
* 96 SRAM KBytes
* 512 Flash KBytes
* A DMA controller, can reduce the pressure on the CPU to do a lot of computing
Microcontroller: AT91SAM3X8E
Operating Voltage: 3.3V
Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits): 6-16V
Digital I/O Pins: 54 (of which 12 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 12
Analog Outputs Pins: 2 (DAC)
Total DC Output Current on all I/O lines: 130 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 800 mA
DC Current for 5V Pin: 800 mA
Flash Memory: 512 KB all available for the user applications
SRAM: 96 KB (two banks: 64KB and 32KB)
Clock Speed: 84 MHz
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